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Hughes, Microsoft and Colombia’s MICT – Juntas de Internet: Connectivity Communities

Hughes, with Microsoft and the Colombian government, brought internet access to some of the most isolated communities in Colombia through Juntas de Internet – Comunidades de Conectividad (Internet Connectivity Communities).

According to the Wireless Broadband Alliance, more than four billion people globally remain without internet access, including 80% of households in poorer countries and 75% of students in rural areas. The Colombian government laid the groundwork for Juntas de Internet in July 2023 with the backing of the country’s Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC). The program was established to both enhance existing networks and build new ones. Internet implementation, connection, and maintenance is a joint effort between connectivity communities and regional internet service providers (ISPs). Connectivity communities are non-profit organizations whose income is exclusively used for the administration, operation, and maintenance of fixed community internet service. Hughes, serving as a regional ISP, partnered with Microsoft on Juntas de Internet.

Regions such as Villa del Río in San Juan del César, Chilvicito in Tumaco, and Domingodó in Chocó have long struggled with minimal or no internet connectivity, resulting in high unemployment, increased violence, and economic and labor inequalities. In the initial phase of the program in Villa del Río, Hughes trained community members to install fixed internet connections in all 50 households, providing access to roughly 160 people as of early 2024. In April 2024, Hughes completed the second site survey in Chilvicito while the third site, in Domingodó, became fully operational in June 2024 incorporating solar panels due to the region’s lack of reliable electricity.

As of mid-2024, nearly 485 people from the three regions now have internet access, providing new opportunities for work, study, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Microsoft provided Office 365 licenses for 20 computers at the Villa del Río Educational Institution to enhance educational options and digital literacy for students and their families.

While the tangible end goal of the program is internet connectivity and infrastructure, Hughes and its partners have focused on improving the quality of life and long-term success of these communities. Juntas de Internet involved members of each community, designating a group of four-to-ten representatives to participate in the process. They are trained in topics including taxes, network monitoring, antenna pointing, and cybersecurity so that they can support the program.

In addition to receiving a Better Satellite World Award, Hughes, Microsoft and Colombia’s MICT were also finalists for the “Bridging the Digital Divide” category of the Leading Light Awards in 2024.


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